Absolutely, Gzip is a highly effective method for compressing files, facilitating faster network transfers and enhancing overall site speed. It also serves as a file format.

We actively promote and automatically enable Gzip Compression by default across all our platforms. Our Edge Cache systems seamlessly handle compression, requiring no configuration on your part.

Please note: Our temporary URL system doesn't utilize our edge caching, so external tests for compression against the temporary URL may indicate compression as disabled. This discrepancy is expected and won't apply when testing against your actual domain name.

For Manual Configuration:

If you encounter issues or prefer to enable compression manually, you can do so through a “.htaccess” file.

1. Create a new file named “.htaccess” in your public_html directory or edit an existing one.

2. Add the following line:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript

3. Save your changes.

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