Our dedicated WordPress platform is meticulously designed exclusively for WordPress, enabling precise optimization of both hardware and software. Each site enjoys its PHP-FPM resource pool, powered by the latest and fastest PHP 7 software, complemented by an integrated PHP OPCache.
Furthermore, our network incorporates multiple edge caching systems that initiate caching right from the outset, ensuring optimal load times regardless of traffic. Each WordPress installation includes our proprietary caching module, offering control through the WordPress admin interface.
However, not all plugins are tailored for scalable use and may pose challenges. To uphold a fast and secure environment for all users, some restrictions apply to the plugins usable on your WordPress package. The following plugins are disallowed due to their resource-intensive nature:
- BackupWordPress
- VersionPress
- Broken Link Checker
- MyReviewPlugin
- LinkMan
- Fuzzy SEO Booster
Concerning caching plugins, our WordPress platform already integrates effective caching layers, notably the edge cache system. To prevent interference, we advise against using any caching plugins, including but not limited to W3TC, Super Cache, WP Rocket, and Hummingbird. Our built-in caching module is sufficient for optimal speed, eliminating the need for additional plugins.
Not to worry! While we discourage the use of the mentioned plugins across all platforms, there are currently no restrictions on plugin usage for our standard hosting platforms, providing flexibility for your specific needs.